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Rottweiler Breeders in Tennessee
German & European Bloodlines - NO American lines



Do NOT neuter or spay your pet at a young age!



1 in 4 ROTTWEILERS develope bone cancer when sterilized before the age of 1 year old!
written by: Rosann Bentley
Case study below not written by Rosann Bentley
Video below from Dr. Becker more info here

Pet over population has been the primary reason to spay/neuter your pet. Shelters and spay/neuter campaigns want sooner rather than later. Animals that are adopted, abandoned, and rescued by shelters or animal control facilities make it mandatory to sterilize the dog immediatly when brought into there facility or rescue shelter. It is understandable that people who rescue and see thousands of dogs a year have no homes should want animals to be sterilized, because more animals make a over population, but it is the human that causes these cases.


Breeders that require you to spay or neuter your dog in the contract don't necessarily require that because they are afraid of over population, It is because breeders don't want you to breed your pure bred Rottweiler / dog to just any dog with disqualifying faults, heriditary defects, or poor bloodlines. Another reason is because some breeders are "afraid you will steel there type of bloodline they created". Breeders want to keep the standard correct, and puppies sold as breeders to other kennels want them bred to other quality dogs to produce beautiful puppies for the future. Future puppies produced will reflect what the kennels produced in the past.


I personally required to spay or neuter your puppy at a early age, but now doing intense research and reading, I have decided to change my contract to spay/neuter your puppy around 2 years old, or even never sterilizing your dog.



pro's, con's, and myths of spay/neuter.



Pro's of spay/neuter
  1. Pet Overpopulation
  2. Prevents Tumors (only 1% get it)
  3. Prevents tumors for undescended testicles (14% get it)
  4. Males won't get "as frustrated" to mate (neutering does not eliminate 100% of the want)
  5. Some dogs become calmer and less agressive (removing hormones)
  6. Eliminates pyrometra in females
  7. Prevents uterus and ovary cancer in females
  8. Prevents uterine infections in females
  9. No bleeding every 6 months in females
  10. No puppies
  11. Veterinarians get money to spay/neuter



Con's of spay/neuter
  1. Doubles the risk of obesity resulting in heart disease, diabeties, arthritis, and joint disease.
  2. Increases the deadly risk of hemangiosarcoma (Rottweiler is a high risk)
  3. Triples the risk of hypothyroidism (removing hormones)
  4. Increase risk of hip dysplasia (wrong age when neutered/spayed) - actual study below
  5. Increase risk of osteosarcoma - bone cancer (wrong age when neutered/spayed) - actual study below on rottweilers
  6. Increase risk of ligament rupture (ACL) (wrong age when neutered/spayed) - actual study below
  7. Early spaying changes the shape and size if the "private parts"
  8. Early spaying causes urinary incontinence (up to 20% increase)
  9. Change your dogs personality
  10. Excessive bone growth - height, actual study below
sexual hormones are extremely important to a dogs developement. If you spay or neuter your dog at a young age you are removing the hormones. It puts your dog at a increased risk for some serious health problems later in life.



Myths if you spay/neuter your dog
  1. My dog will feel less of a man
  2. My dog will get lazy and fat (only if you overfeed your dog)
  3. Spay and neutering will cause weight gain
  4. My dog will stop using the bathroom in the house
  5. my male will stop humping
  6. My male will stop whining for females.



The reason why I changed my contract to wait and spay/neuter your dog at 24 months old.
I added actual (ROTTWEILER) study results below



A Rottweiler does not stop growing until 2 years of age, this includes height, weight, bone growth, and hormone maturity. Hormones make the body grow naturally. When breeders certify the dogs hips and elbows, it is checked at 2 years of age. The reason a OFA is checked and certified at the age of 24 months is because the growth plates in the joints have closed completely and growth is complete. If the hormones are removed then the dog does not grow properly. I now believe a breeder should not require you to spay/neuter your dog before 1 year old, but I suggest it to be done at 24 months old if the new puppy owner want to spay or netuer the dog.



Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2002 Nov;11(11):1434-40.

Endogenous gonadal hormone exposure and bone sarcoma risk.


Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA.


Although experimental and clinical evidence suggest that endogenous sex hormones influence bone sarcoma genesis, the hypothesis has not been adequately tested in an appropriate animal model. We conducted a historical cohort study of Rottweiler dogs because they frequently undergo elective gonadectomy and spontaneously develop appendicular bone sarcomas, which mimic the biological behavior of the osteosarcomas that affect children and adolescents. Data were collected by questionnaire from owners of 683 Rottweiler dogs living in North America. To determine whether there was an association between endogenous sex hormones and risk of bone sarcoma, relative risk (RR) of incidence rates and hazard ratios for bone sarcoma were calculated for dogs subdivided on the basis of lifetime gonadal hormone exposure. Bone sarcoma was diagnosed in 12.6% of dogs in this cohort during 71,004 dog-months follow-up. Risk for bone sarcoma was significantly influenced by age at gonadectomy. Male and female dogs that underwent gonadectomy before 1 year of age had an approximate one in four lifetime risk for bone sarcoma and were significantly more likely to develop bone sarcoma than dogs that were sexually intact [RR +/-95% CI = 3.8 (1.5-9.2) for males; RR +/-95% CI = 3.1 (1.1-8.3) for females]. Chi(2) test for trend showed a highly significant inverse dose-response relationship between duration of lifetime gonadal exposure and incidence rate of bone sarcoma (P = 0.008 for males, P = 0.006 for females). This association was independent of adult height or body weight. We conclude that the subset of Rottweiler dogs that undergo early gonadectomy represent a unique, highly accessible target population to further study the gene:environment interactions that determine bone sarcoma risk and to test whether interventions can inhibit the spontaneous development of bone sarcoma.



J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2000;13 Suppl 6:1439-55.

Estrogen, bone, growth and sex: a sea change in conventional wisdom.


Department of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco 94143-0434, USA.


The discovery of a man with a homozygous mutation in the estrogen receptor alpha gene, which results in estrogen-receptor alpha resistance, and of males and females with autosomal recessive mutations in the CYP19 gene encoding aromatase, which leads to a failure to synthesize estrogens, has challenged conventional wisdom about the 'unimportant' role of estrogen in the male. For example, in the male, estrogen (not androgen) derived from direct testicular secretion (approximately 20%) and from extragonadal aromatization of testosterone and androstenedione (approximately 80%), is the critical sex hormone in the pubertal growth spurt, skeletal maturation, accrual of peak bone mass, and the maintenance of bone mass in the adult. Estrogen stimulates chondrogenesis in the epiphyseal growth plate increasing pubertal linear growth. At puberty, estrogen promotes skeletal maturation and the gradual, progressive closure of the epiphyseal growth plate, possibly as a consequence of both estrogen-induced vascular and osteoblastic invasion and the termination of chondrogenesis. In addition, during puberty and into the third decade, estrogen has an anabolic effect on the osteoblast and an apoptotic effect on the osteoclast, increasing bone mineral acquisition in axial and appendicular bone. In the adult, estrogen is important in maintaining the constancy of bone mass through its effects on remodeling and bone turnover. Establishing a role for estrogen does not exclude a direct action of testosterone on bone in the human male (especially on cortical bone), but this action is less characterized than thought in the past and is relatively minor in comparison with the major effect of estrogen in the male.



Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2004 Dec;(429):301-5.

Canine ovariohysterectomy and orchiectomy increases the prevalence of ACL injury.


Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, 3601 4th St., 4A136, Lubbock, TX 79430, USA.


To determine whether canine ovariohysterectomy or orchiectomy affects the prevalence of anterior cruciate ligament injury, we compared injury rates of anterior cruciate ligaments of animals that had gonadectomy and animals that were sexually intact as a function of gender, breed, or size. Records of 3218 dogs treated in one orthopaedic veterinary practice during a 2-year period were retrospectively reviewed. Anterior cruciate ligament injury, diagnosed by a history of acute hind limb lameness and by positive anterior drawer test, was confirmed at the time of surgery. The prevalence of anterior cruciate ligament rupture in all dogs was 3.48%. Females that had ovariohysterectomy and males that had orchiectomy had a significantly higher prevalence of anterior cruciate ligament rupture than the sexually intact dogs. Larger dogs had an increased prevalence of anterior cruciate ligament injury compared with smaller or medium-sized dogs, with the increased rupture rates for sterilized animals holding across breeds and sizes. Sterilization of either gender increased the prevalence of anterior cruciate ligament injury, suggesting a potential effect of gonadal gender on prevalence of injury of this ligament.



February 1, 2004, Vol. 224, No. 3, Pages 380-387
doi: 10.2460/javma.2004.224.380

Long-term risks and benefits of early-age gonadectomy in dogs

C. Victor Spain, DVM, PhD Janet M. Scarlett, DVM, PhD Katherine A. Houpt, VMD, PhD, DACVB
Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Science, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. (Spain, Scarlett); Present address: Philadelphia Department of Public Health, Division of Disease Control, 500 S Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19146. (Spain); Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. (Houpt)

Objective—To evaluate the long-term risks and benefits of early-age gonadectomy, compared with traditional- age gonadectomy, among dogs adopted from a large animal shelter.

Design—Retrospective cohort study.

Animals—1,842 dogs.

Procedure—Dogs underwent gonadectomy and were adopted from an animal shelter before 1 year of age; follow-up was available for as long as 11 years after surgery. Adopters completed a questionnaire about their dogs' behavior and medical history. When possible, the dogs' veterinary records were reviewed. Associations between the occurrence of 56 medical and behavioral conditions and dogs' age at gonadectomy were evaluated.

Results—Among female dogs, early-age gonadectomy was associated with increased rate of cystitis and decreasing age at gonadectomy was associated with increased rate of urinary incontinence. Among male and female dogs with early-age gonadectomy, hip dysplasia, noise phobias, and sexual behaviors were increased, whereas obesity, separation anxiety, escaping behaviors, inappropriate elimination when frightened, and relinquishment for any reason were decreased.

Case study 2007 - here was the result summary

case study neutering spaying dogs