Day 1
6 Rottweiler Puppies were born on December 3, 2018
Male 1 weighed 1.15 pounds and was the first out of the womb (8:05 am)
Male 2 weighed .95 pounds and was the second out of the womb (8:20 am)
Male 3 weighed .97 pounds and was the fourth out of the womb (9:21 am)
Male 4 weighed .82 pounds and was the fifth out of the womb (9:55 am)
Female 1 weighed .90 pounds and was the third out of the womb (8:50 am)
Female 2 weighed .88 pounds and was the sixth out of the womb (10:30 am)
All puppies were very strong and crawling around. Each puppy immediately latched onto the nipple with no problem. The dam was very gentle as she cleaned each puppy. The first two males were born within 30 minutes. The third puppy was a female born 30 minutes later, and after that each puppy was about 30 minutes apart. This was a very easy litter and all puppies came out head first. No puppies were breach or stuck.
Day 2
December 4, 2013
Male 1 weighed 1.29 pounds – orange puppy
Male 2 weighed 1.02 pounds – red puppy
Male 3 weighed 1.1 pounds – black puppy
Male 4 weighed .87 pounds – blue puppy
Female 1 weighed .95 pounds – purple puppy
Female 2 weighed .91 pounds – pink puppy
All the puppies are still very strong and sleep a lot. The puppies huddle together against the mother. Male 2 slept sucking on her nipple. He is the Rottie piggy.
Day 3
December 5, 2013
Male 1 weighed 1.42 pounds – orange puppy
Male 2 weighed 1.24 pounds – red puppy
Male 3 weighed 1.17 pounds – black puppy
Male 4 weighed 1.03 pounds – blue puppy
Female 1 weighed 1.05 pounds – purple puppy
Female 2 weighed 1.03 pounds – pink puppy
On Day 3 the puppies are scooting around very well and raising there heads a lot. Pink puppy loves to sleep over her legs or use her foot as a pillow. Blue male puppy whines as he sucks on her nipple. Pink female puppy has passed her weight from purple puppy. Each puppy is very strong. The female puppies heads are starting to widen a little.
Day 4
December 6, 2013
Male 1 weighed 1.67 pounds – orange puppy
Male 2 weighed 1.40 pounds – red puppy
Male 3 weighed 1.36 pounds – black puppy
Male 4 weighed 1.18 pounds – blue puppy
Female 1 weighed 1.21 pounds – purple puppy
Female 2 weighed 1.22 pounds – pink puppy
On day 5, female 2, pink puppy passed female 1, purple puppy in weight. Puppies are growling now at each other. 3 males and 2 females had their dew claws removed today; the vet did a great job. The mother just sniffed the feet and left them alone.
Day 5
December 7, 2013
Male 1 weighed 1.81 pounds – orange puppy
Male 2 weighed 1.51 pounds – red puppy
Male 3 weighed 1.53 pounds – black puppy
Male 4 weighed 1.32 pounds – blue puppy
Female 1 weighed 1.27 pounds – purple puppy
Female 2 weighed 1.41 pounds – pink puppy
On day 6 the black male collar puppy has a shorter back than the rest, shorter muzzle, and good bone. The Orange male collar puppy is still growing faster than the rest. Orange puppy has very large bone and large head with a short muzzle.
Day 6
December 8, 2013
Male 1 weighed 2.03 pounds – orange puppy
Male 2 weighed 1.61 pounds – red puppy
Male 3 weighed 1.66 pounds – black puppy
Male 4 weighed 1.45 pounds – blue puppy
Female 1 weighed 1.45 pounds – purple puppy
Female 2 weighed 1.51 pounds – pink puppy
Day 7
December 9, 2013
Male 1 weighed 2.18 pounds – orange puppy
Male 2 weighed 1.76 pounds – red puppy
Male 3 weighed 1.85 pounds – black puppy
Male 4 weighed 1.60 pounds – blue puppy
Female 1 weighed 1.59 pounds – purple puppy
Female 2 weighed 1.63 pounds – pink puppy
Day 8
December 10, 2013
Male 1 weighed 2.26 pounds – orange puppy
Male 2 weighed 1.81 pounds – red puppy
Male 3 weighed 1.96 pounds – black puppy
Male 4 weighed 1.71 pounds – blue puppy
Female 1 weighed 1.70 pounds – purple puppy
Female 2 weighed 1.70 pounds – pink puppy
Day 9
December 11, 2013
Male 1 weighed 2.44 pounds – orange puppy
Male 2 weighed 2.05 pounds – red puppy
Male 3 weighed 2.20 pounds – black puppy
Male 4 weighed 1.91 pounds – blue puppy
Female 1 weighed 1.84 pounds – purple puppy
Female 2 weighed 1.98 pounds – pink puppy
Each puppy is starting to grow out of the ribbon collars I made. The puppies are dreaming a lot and I wonder what they could be possibly be thinking since they cannot see or hear very well. The ears are still closed shut and very small amounts of skin are falling off to start and allow the ears to open.
Puppies started to open the eyes a little, the first puppies was black collar, blue collar, and pink collar.
Scooting around and taking good steps now. Some puppies can stabilize themselves to poop.
Day 10
December 12, 2013
Male 1 weighed 2.72 pounds – orange puppy
Male 2 weighed 2.31 pounds – red puppy
Male 3 weighed 2.45 pounds – black puppy
Male 4 weighed 2.16 pounds – blue puppy
Female 1 weighed 2.11 pounds – purple puppy
Female 2 weighed 2.20 pounds – pink puppy
Purple collar female puppy, eyes are open today. The eyes are a hazy blue/grey color.
Red collar puppy is now green collar because I ran out of Red Ribbon. Green collar puppy is the sweetest!
The green puppy has the shortest back now and y far the most loving temperament. Green puppy plays with
his feet and growls at himself.
Black collar puppy sleeps on his back all the time flat.