All the bloodlines we have date back to the first Rottweilers from Germany around 1907 - 1914
Dog Database is Working-dog is the most accurate database for all breeds originating from Germany and Europe.
View the Working Dog profile database for his pedigree, pictures, and ownership available.
Itus vom Sittard was a beautiful Rottweiler in Germany. He achieved his ADRK International Deutch Championship and achieved his Schutzhund III. Itus's sire is world famous Jackomo von der Bleichstrasse, Jackomo was an exceptional dog to the breed. Two other great dogs in the bloodline is CH. Benno von der Schwarzen Heide and Noris vom Gruntenblick. I believe you would be happy with a Rottweiler puppy from these bloodlines, please visit out litters page.