Green tripe does not refer to the color. It means it has not been scalded, cleaned and bleached. The term "green" means not touched. The color is really brown, but there may be a green tint because of the grass the animal ate before it was slaughtered.
Green tripe is so good because the enzymes and gastric juices help the animals digestion. It also helps in the animals efficiency to utilize food. Amino acids are necessary for muscle developement.
Tripe has Latic acid bacteria. This is the good bacteria. The main ingredient in probotics.
We feed our Rottweilers 1/2 lb of green Tripe 2 times a week.
Although this is concidered a full meal everyday, I don't fully agree with it.
Dogs also need beef / chicken protien, bone, and bone marrow in thier diet.
This is for the natural calicum for bone growth to prevent hip dysplasia.
Please read also the prey raw diet.