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Rottweiler Breeders in Tennessee
rottweiler from serbia

Baracuda Rott haus Covic - Show Gallery


Serbian Rottweiler female in Tennessee - Rottweiler photographs

This page is photographs of Baracuda Rott haus Covic competeing in Serbian / German style shows. Rottweiler females and Rottweiler males of all ages can compete for championships here in USA. Rottweiler for these shows must express a lot of drive and focus in the ring for a bait toy (ball). The Rottweilers must naturally stack to show the structure of the dog. We have competed in the RKNA, AIRK, USRC, ARV, and ARV here in USA.

Check our Baracudas' Gallery page and Youtube Video Page, and results page.

Balou Rottweiler male at RKNA show
serbia rottweiler